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  Broadgate and Exhibitions

Originally Broadgate was never supposed to go to any exhibitions. That all changed. One day when we were at a Stowmarket Railway Club run Needham swapmeet, we met the exhibition manager for their exhibition and, somehow got ourselves into going. 6 months later there we were, and recieving lots of praise as well. From then on we have gone to exhibitions and enjoyed every one of them!

Where To Find Us

Great Yarmouth ................................................. ............................... October 2002

Ipswich Exhibition 2002

The last exhibition attended by Broadgate was the Ipswich Railway Modellers Association exhibition on the 7th and 8th of September. This was an all round solid exhibition and the people at Ipswich were very friendly and helpful. I personally thought the guy coming round with the biscuits and tea was an excellent idea! We were in the second squash court for the two days and enjoyed the peace and quiet of the first hour while the public worked their way around to us. Although everything was ok in the end we did have a staff problem. We had two layouts at the exhibition so there weren't enough operators for both days so some late calls resulted in a few emergency operators who were brilliant. After personally spending six straight hours running Broadgate on Sunday I could certainly go another month or two without running a layout. Like I'll have luck as good as that! Next up - Great Yarmouth.


Owning Broadgate is one thing, but owning a layout and running it by yourself all day is something else. Thats where the team of operators I had to help me come in. If not for them we would never have made it through the day. So thank you to:-

John Barnes
Michelle Stannard
Audrey Barnes
Ian Francis
Barry Aldous
John Ellingford, and
Kelvin Barnes

Please note these people helped operate both layouts over both days.

Previous Exhibitions

These are exhibitions Broadgate has previously attended. There is a link to the commentary of the event if one was written. (please note there are none before 2002, as this website had yet to be created!)

Dereham 2001
Stowmarket 2001
Great Yarmouth 2001
Chelmsford 2001
Colchester 2001
Norwich 2002
Stowmarket 2002
Burton on Trent 2002 (DEMU Showcase event)